Really nice blog post from SuperDuper developer Dave Nanian about how El Capitan’s new security measures impacted his product:
This time, the current version of SuperDuper is dead in the water on El Capitan. It just won’t work. But don’t dismay: we’ve worked to change that. I’m happy to say, to those of you who are on the Beta (and those who are going to join the public beta today), we’ve developed and tested a Beta version of SuperDuper that makes bootable copies of El Capitan. There’s a link to download it at the end of this post.
Super Duper Failed To Enable Ownership El Capitan
Super Duper does not clone the Recovery partition, which means that the external El Capitan Super Duper clone would not have the El Capitan Recovery partition to clone back to the internal drive. CCC will support cloning the Recovery partition if it is available.

- I own Super Chief and El Capitan 1936-1971 book by Patrick Dorin. The book has excellent black and white and color photos of the Super Chief and El Capitan. The book describes the rich history of the Super Chief and El Capitan from the first streamliner in 1936 to Amtrak. Sincerely, Robert Wilhelm
- Super Duper – free version includes free support! Disk Utility – it works, but if you already knew how to use it, you probably aren’t reading this article. Time Machine + Recovery HD – this works, but can take more time than making a bootable image.
- Splitting El Capitan in half, The Nose is composed of solid rock, splitter cracks of all sizes and a few bivy ledges that blew my mind. After a super duper.

Super Duper El Capitan
But please don’t skip down there. Keep reading.
Super Duper For El Capitan
Don’t let Dave down! Keep reading. It’s an interesting view into how Apple is pushing OS X forward and how developers have to figure out new ways of doing things.